We have some very exciting events planned for 2025, so be sure to come back for updates as they are added.
In the meantime, click to expand the calendar or visit our Events Page to get an idea of what we have in store. You can look forward to traditional holiday celebrations and family events, as well as Book Club meetings and visits with Belarusian musicians, authors, journalists and actors.
Каляндар падзей на 2025 год у распрацоўцы. Яшчэ будуць дадавацца сустрэчы Кніжнага клюбу і прыезды беларускіх музыкаў, пісьменнікаў, журналістаў, актораў.
About Us
Seattle Belarusians is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that represents a lively community united by shared love and respect for Belarusian traditions and values. Our goal is to provide a welcoming platform where Belarusians in the Greater Seattle Area and beyond can come together to honor and celebrate our unique cultural identity. We achieve this through organization of local events and support of global Belarusian initiatives directed to preservation of Belarusian culture, traditions, history, language and heritage.

Every year, Seattle Belarusians hosts a number of exciting cultural events and fundraisers to spread the word about our various causes and to promote knowledge about the Belarusian-American community, its history, accomplishments, and contributions.
Let us know how we can help. Click the button below to go to our contact form.